Why Stretch When a Robot Can?
Technological innovations enhance efficiency to adjust to growing commercial demands.
Boston Dynamics has introduced Stretch, a box-moving prototype specifically catering to the needs of fast-paced industries. The concept of their new robot has taken a new and more usable approach to the needs of warehouse industries, adjusting to the current and future demands of growing businesses. The ongoing technological innovations produced by companies like Boston Dynamics have catalyzed worthwhile opportunities to reduce costs, elevate productivity levels, and reduce workplace injuries.
The applicable uses that advancements in robotic technology may provide the e-commerce industry are undeniable. With a lightweight arm and independently controlled wheels, Stretch can move around any space autonomously whilst increasing productivity in terms of box relocation and loading. Broken down, Stretch is basically a high-tech versatile vacuum arm with suction cups attached to a mobile base. The introduction of technology like Stretch has contributed unique qualities to increase warehouse efficiency; most notably, speed. Stretch is characterized by its attainable speed, easy maneuverability and lightweight arm. The robot moves boxes five times faster than the warehouse robots that have come before it with a high-reaching arm, capable of lifting up to 50 pounds. Innovation and technological advancement has produced a robotic arm that is a quarter of the weight of current box-moving machinery, ultimately reducing the time needed to expedite shipping material.
The implementation of Stretch in warehouse automation has a high potential to reduce injury rates amongst warehouse and transportation industries. The seemingly simple abilities of the robot have the capacity to reduce work-related injuries exponentially by decreasing need for heavy lifting and other strenuous activity. In 2019, the warehouse and transportation industry was responsible for 869 preventable deaths, 290,000 medically-consulted injuries and billions of dollars in costs. It is predicted, and rationally so, that the implementation of Stretch in warehouse environments will reduce many safety hazards within the warehouse setting. Advancements in technology like Stretch robots have the potential to become an incredibly useful tool for warehouse facilities globally. Why stretch when technology can do the heavy lifting for you?